My name is Santiago, and I want to improve health care through the means of technology. I’m able to do this by combining my knowledge acquired in medical school and my self taught software development skills. For the past year, I’ve been analyzing the workflow of emergency departments and building tools that improve the quality and efficiency of the care provided. While at the same time learning about medical informatics, interoperability, and medical modeling.
I studied medicine because I’m fascinated by humans, from our physiology to our social interactions and the relationship between ourselves and illness. I wanted to not only treat patients but also learn from them, listen to their life stories and their way of life. But while studying I came to realize that medicine had become a dehumanized discipline, where machines treat dysfunctional systems. This is mainly why I decided to postpone my medical practice and focus on improving the system.
Born in the south of Argentina but moved 12 times trough out Latin America, including Venezuela, Mexico, and Peru. Currently, I live in Buenos Aires.